Law #5 - Walk the middle path.
“All new behavior has to be learned in all relevant contexts.”
BALANCE. equilibrium. self-care. other-care. team. rest. productivity. groundedness. stability. harmony. regulation. vulnerability. authenticity. calm.
“Life doesn’t make any sense without interdependence. We need each other, and the sooner we learn that, the better for us all.” Erik Erikson “The deepest pain I ever felt was denying my own feelings to make everyone else comfortable.” Nicole Lyons
Do you remember the last time you felt all was right in the world? When work wasn’t consuming your thoughts when you were at home, or home wasn’t consuming your thoughts while you worked? Maybe you’ve never known that was possible, or thought it to be a distant and far off fairy tale. In so many therapy environments, counselors are so overworked, underpaid, undervalued, and overwhelmed that they are only half present for their clients. How can a therapist provide excellence in treatment if they’re barely staying above water themselves? Employees who are burned out, overwhelmed, or overtaxed with responsibilities decrease treatment quality and create more strain on the entire environment. Immutable law #5 is a commitment to our staff and our clients. It is not easy work that we do here. From administration to direct care staff, we believe employees should feel valued, heard, understood, and that they belong. Every part of our team has a vital role to play, and thus individual needs should be honored with utmost consideration from the rest of the team. If a single star athlete is holding a team together, the whole team suffers. So here at Grow Counseling, we recognize the value and worth of the ENTIRE team as irreplaceable in their contribution. Team members make a commitment to practicing balance in their relationships, finances, health, work, and play, both in and out of the office, so that we offer the best of ourselves in every area of our lives! When balance is absent, creativity is lost.